Website and content owner, copyright holder
Karoline Mrazek DokuXConsult, DokuConsult Hellwagstr. 14/2 Top 12 1200 Vienna, Austria +43 676 400 99 71
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce VAT ID: ATU54382608 Type of business: one-person company Copyright Karoline Mrazek 2024
Linked websites
My website contains links to social media sites. Please understand that I am not responsible for any content you might encounter on these sites, or to put it in legal terms: Pursuant to § 17(1) Austrian E-Commerce Act, Federal Law Gazette I no. 152/2001, Karoline Mrazek, DokuConsult cannot be held liable for information of linked websites. Access of linked websites is at one’s own risk.
Your privacy and the use of cookies on this website
I don't rely on cookies and trackers, because they only give me stats. Stats are only numbers. Instead, I care about you as a customer and visitor of my website. So, you are welcome any time to drop me a line by using the email links scattered throughout my website.


My website does not use cookies or any other code or means to track what you are doing or who you are. There are no forms that ask you to submit any personal information.


If you choose to use one of the links on this website to send me an email, only the information contained in the email will become available to me, and only to me. As soon as it is behind my VPN and firewalls, I will take any means necessary and available to me to keep it there and keep it safe from everybody else. I will never, ever deliberately pass on any information about you, be it personal or business-related unless I have your express prior consent. If you follow any link contained in this website that takes you to another website, please understand that you do this at your own risk (see above, Linked websites).

Third parties

Emails sent to me using the respective links on this website are processed by my provider with whom I have concluded a data processing contract in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your rights according to the GDPR
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding your personal data shared with me as a result of an ongoing or past business relationship. I will be more than happy to provide you with all the details and will comply with any regulations as stipulated by the GDPR. As a one-person company, I am also the data protection officer. Feel free to send me an email to
Website trivia
As a one-woman business I am used to creating my own stuff, mostly because this best expresses who I am in my work and my business. This website was inspired by:
The UX Management course at FH Technikum Wien Academy Many features in the Figma design tool Feedback from customers, friends, and family Music by mostly Wardruna, Danheim, and Skáld, with some tracks in between by The Pretty Reckless, 30 Seconds to Mars, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, and Metallica
Social responsibility & personal projects
I support the cause of the following nonprofit organizations:
The Ocean Cleanup TYTW (Too Young To Wed)
My private projects include the protection of the dark night sky from excessive light pollution:
Website and content owner, copyright holder
Karoline Mrazek DokuXConsult, DokuConsult Hellwagstr. 14/2 Top 12 1200 Vienna, Austria +43 676 400 99 71
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
VAT ID: ATU54382608 Type of business: one-person Copyright Karoline Mrazek 2024
Linked websites
My website contains links to social media sites. Please understand that I am not responsible for any content you might encounter on these sites, or to put it in legal terms: Pursuant to § 17(1) Austrian E-Commerce Act, Federal Law Gazette I no. 152/2001, Karoline Mrazek, DokuConsult cannot be held liable for information of linked websites. Access of linked websites is at one’s own risk.
Your privacy and the use of cookies on this website
I don't rely on cookies and trackers, because they only give me stats. Stats are only numbers. Instead, I care about you as a customer and visitor of my website. So, you are welcome any time to drop me a line by using the email links scattered throughout my website.


My website does not use cookies or any other code or means to track what you are doing or who you are. There are no forms that ask you to submit any personal information.


If you choose to use one of the links on this website to send me an email, only the information contained in the email will become available to me, and only to me. As soon as it is behind my VPN and firewalls, I will take any means necessary and available to me to keep it there and keep it safe from everybody else. I will never, ever deliberately pass on any information about you, be it personal or business-related unless I have your express prior consent. If you follow any link contained in this website that takes you to another website, please understand that you do this at your own risk (see above, Linked websites).

Third parties

Emails sent to me using the respective links on this website are processed by my provider with whom I have concluded a data processing contract in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your rights according to the GDPR
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding your personal data shared with me as a result of an ongoing or past business relationship. I will be more than happy to provide you with all the details and will comply with any regulations as stipulated by the GDPR. As a one-person company, I am also the data protection officer. Feel free to send me an email to
Website trivia
As a one-woman business I am used to creating my own stuff, mostly because this best expresses who I am in my work and my business. This website was inspired by:
The UX Management course at FH Technikum Wien Academy Many features in the Figma design tool Feedback from customers, friends, and family Music by mostly Wardruna, Danheim, and Skáld, with some tracks in between by The Pretty Reckless, 30 Seconds to Mars, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, and Metallica
Social responsibility & personal projects
I support the cause of the following nonprofit organizations:
The Ocean Cleanup TYTW (Too Young To Wed)
My private projects include the protection of the dark night sky from excessive light pollution:
Website and content owner, copyright holder
Karoline Mrazek, DokuXConsult, DokuConsult
Hellwagstr. 14/2 Top 12 1200 Vienna Austria +43 676 400 99 71
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
VAT ID: ATU54382608 Type of business: one-person company Copyright: Karoline Mrazek 2024
Linked websites
My website contains links to social media sites. Please understand that I am not responsible for any content you might encounter on these sites, or to put it in legal terms: Pursuant to § 17(1) Austrian E-Commerce Act, Federal Law Gazette I no. 152/2001, Karoline Mrazek, DokuConsult cannot be held liable for information of linked websites. Access of linked websites is at one’s own risk.
Your privacy and the use of cookies on this website
I don't rely on cookies and trackers, because they only give me stats. Stats are only numbers. Instead, I care about you as a customer and visitor of my website. So, thanks for visiting! You are welcome any time to drop me a line by using the email links scattered throughout my website.
My website does not use cookies or any other code or means to track what you are doing or who you are. There are no forms that ask you to submit any personal information.
If you choose to use one of the links on this website to send me an email, only the information contained in the email will become available to me, and only to me. As soon as it is behind my VPN and firewalls, I will take any means necessary and available to me to keep it there and keep it safe from everybody else. I will never, ever deliberately pass on any information about you, be it personal or business-related unless I have your express prior consent. If you follow any link contained in this website that takes you to another website, please understand that you do this at your own risk (see above, Linked websites).
Third parties
Emails sent to me using the respective links on this website are processed by my provider with whom I have concluded a data processing contract in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your rights according to the GDPR
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding your personal data shared with me as a result of an ongoing or past business relationship. I will be more than happy to provide you with all the details and will comply with any regulations as stipulated by the GDPR. As a one-person company, I am also the data protection officer. Feel free to send me an email to
Website trivia
As a one-woman business I am used to creating my own stuff, mostly because this best expresses who I am in my work and my business. This website was inspired by:
The UX Management course at FH Technikum Wien Academy Many cool features in the Figma design tool Feedback from customers, friends, and family Music by mostly Wardruna, Danheim, and Skáld, with some tracks in between by The Pretty Reckless, 30 Seconds to Mars, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, and Metallica
Social responsibility & personal projects
I support the cause of the following nonprofit organizations:
The Ocean Cleanup TYTW (Too Young To Wed)
My private projects include the protection of the dark night sky from excessive light pollution:
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